Facilities Innovations
Preparing facilities management organizations for the future…every future.
Don Guckert, P.E., APPA Fellow
President, Facilities Innovations
In an age of accelerating change, no one can predict the future. That is why we believe facilities organizations need to be prepared for every future.
What we offer:
Strategic Guidance…on identifying and analyzing the emerging trends and transformative changes outside your organization in order to implement adaptive changes inside your organization.
Organizational Analytics…to assess resourcing, staffing and performance against both industry proven solutions and emerging practices.
Executive Coaching…for the busy executive who needs an experienced advisor to evaluate current levels of performance and future potentials.
Organizational Preparedness…gained through peer-to-peer learning experiences designed to prepare individuals and teams for every future.
Providing healthy and productive environments
Creating a Sense of Place
Where we can help:
Strategic Repositioning: Taking a consensus-building approach to reviewing and aligning your value proposition with the institution’s vision, strategic plan, service level expectations, financial resourcing and tolerance for risk.
Emerging Opportunities: Developing strategies and business cases for adopting smart building technologies that drive down costs, ensure healthy environments and elevate occupant and student experiences.
Adopting an Adaption Mindset: Transitioning the focus and culture from “doing more with less” to “doing different with less.”
Why Facilities Innovations?
Experience Matters…we engage industry practitioners with subject matter expertise and demonstrated track records.
Systems Think…we understand there are no simple solutions and that complex challenges require practical and pragmatic recommendations.
Time is Important…we enhance your focus on long-term and important issues by adding horsepower to your strategic efforts.
Curiosity…we are on a constant quest to identify and understand the emerging issues and driving forces impacting the profession.
Enhancing the Student Experience
Successful Organizational Reviews
Bridgewater College Brigham Young University California Institute for the Arts Clemson University Iowa State University Michigan State University Purdue University
Rutgers University
University of Colorado
University of Illinois
University of North Carolina University of Northern Iowa University of Nebraska
University of Oregon
University of Pittsburgh
University of Texas University of Virginia Western Washington U. Yale University
Facilities Innovations